[Guangming Daily] Zhang Jun: The implementation of "scientific organization of school management, theory and education" to promote education development, scientific and technological innovation, personnel training

The "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization" adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee proposed to comprehensively promote the integrated reform of the education, science and technology personnel system and mechanism。习近平总书记在全国教育大会上进一步强调,要统筹实施科教兴国战略、人才强国战略、创新驱动发展战略,一体推进教育发展、科技创新、Personnel training。

Colleges and universities are the centralized meeting point for the development of talents in education and science and technology, and have the basis and conditions to become the best experimental field for the "trinity" reform。因此,Colleges and universities should deeply grasp the political attributes, people attributes and strategic attributes of education,Through the implementation of "Scientific organization of school management theory and education",We will improve the governance system and mechanism of modern universities with Chinese characteristics,Strengthen "to promote strong";We must firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development,Promote the systematic improvement of the quality of university education,Strengthen the principle of "strength through quality",Comprehensively enhance the ideological and political leadership, talent competitiveness, scientific and technological support, livelihood security, social coordination, and international influence of the school。

Comprehensively strengthen the effectiveness of Party organizations in colleges and universities

To carry out the "scientific organization of school management and education" to promote the integration reform, we must first focus on the fundamental guarantee of the leadership of the Party, and give full play to the political and organizational functions of the party organizations in colleges and universities。

The Party's leadership is comprehensive, systematic and overall, and is the fundamental guarantee for the overall promotion of the "trinity" reform of education and science and technology talents。To promote the development of education, scientific and technological innovation and personnel training, it is necessary to fully activate the effectiveness of party organizations in colleges and universities。On the one hand, we must focus on the guiding character of the Party's leadership,Give full play to the functions of the school party committee in the direction, managing the overall situation, making decisions, grasping the team, leading the team and ensuring the implementation,Overall planning and leadership reform;On the other hand, we must focus on the combativeness of grassroots party organizations,Improve the Party's organizational system, institutional system and working mechanism,Stimulate the role of Party organizations at all levels as fighting fortresses,Organize and implement reforms。In the process of advancing reform,Colleges and universities should pay attention to the overall management of "six groups of relations" : the relationship between party building work and career development, the relationship between local interests and global interests, the relationship between overall promotion and key breakthroughs, the relationship between current development and long-term development, the relationship between their own development and coordinated development, the relationship between external constraints and internal power,Systematically understand and grasp the important and key issues such as why, what and how to reform the integration reform。At the same time, we should pay attention to grasp and follow the regular requirements of the "six strengthening" : strengthen the leadership of the Party, strengthen the law, strengthen the characteristics of the advantages, strengthen the main body of teachers and students, strengthen the linkage of all staff, strengthen the cultural cohesion, and further establish the implementation methods, scientific paths, and good environment for comprehensively promoting the integration reform。Take the Beijing Institute of Technology for example,next,The school will improve the leadership of the Party organization with "scientific organization of school management theory and education",Improve the integrated development system of education, science and technology talents with the core of "Party building guidance, scientific planning, smooth mechanism, and collaborative research",Build a development pattern of centering on one, serving one and supporting the mission of "Red education and powerful casting tool"。

We will promote the integration of talents in education, science and technology

To implement the "scientific organization of school management and education" to promote the integration reform, we must accurately grasp the key and difficult points of education, science and technology, and talent reform, and strengthen the integration and interaction of the three。

At present, the core content of university management and teaching is the "trinity" development of educational science and technology talents。The Party's 20th National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee have clarified the main contents and key aspects of promoting the reform and development of education, science and technology talents。The National Education Conference systematically deployed the strategic tasks and major measures for comprehensively promoting the construction of a powerful country in education。It can be said that the task of reforming education, science and technology, and human resources is very clear。Colleges and universities implement "Scientific Organization of school Management Theory and Education",The reform of personnel training should be taken as a leading project of the integration reform,In particular, we should pay attention to the application of artificial intelligence technology to all aspects and the whole process of talent training,Systematically promote the reform and reshaping of education and teaching models,Optimize the professional structure, reconstruct the curriculum system, innovate the teaching methods, and create innovative practice scenes,Create a comprehensive intelligence-driven education and teaching reform ecology。同时,We need to comprehensively improve the organization of scientific research and innovation,We will establish discipline Settings and scientific research organization mechanisms that are strongly driven by national strategic needs,We will strengthen the development of basic disciplines, emerging disciplines, and interdisciplinary disciplines beyond the norm,To provide a solid discipline foundation, knowledge foundation and talent foundation for accelerating scientific and technological self-reliance;We will improve the mechanism for organizing and implementing scientific and technological innovation,We will improve the four major models for tackling major scientific research,The whole chain gathers the "big team", builds the "big platform", undertakes the "big project", and promotes the "big results";We will deepen reform of the systems and mechanisms for talent development,Work to break down barriers to vitality and creativity,We will further build a talent system with international competitiveness,We will improve the mechanism for training talents independently and the mechanism for supporting and guaranteeing the introduction of talents from overseas,And the talent evaluation mechanism that focuses on "ability, quality, effectiveness and contribution",We will build new heights for talent development。In this regard, the University of Science and Technology will use the "scientific organization of school management and education" to break through the pain points that restrict the integrated development of education, science and technology, and talents, and comprehensively construct a high-quality development pattern with education and teaching as the central link, scientific and technological innovation as the first driving force, and talent team as the key support。

We will work hard to transform and upgrade the governance system and capacity

To implement the "scientific organization of school management and education" to promote integrated reform, we must focus on promoting the transformation and upgrading of governance system and governance capacity, and vigorously create a green and high-quality development ecology。

The expansion of university scale and function has restricted the efficiency of organization and management service to a certain extent, which is a realistic problem that universities must face in promoting the integration reform。To comprehensively promote the reform of the integration of education and science and technology talents with the "scientific organization of school management and teaching", the internal fundamental guarantee is the advantage of the Party's overall leadership and organizational system, and the external environmental guarantee depends on the transformation and upgrading of the governance ability of the school governance system。Colleges and universities should focus on improving the level of organization,On the basis of the existing organizational system, break the disciplinary barriers, departmental barriers and the situation of separate governance,Emphasis on overall coordination and cross-departmental collaboration,Promote the integrated development of education and science and technology talents and the corresponding support and guarantee mechanism;Efforts should be made to raise the level of standardization,Through continuous system optimization and application of scientific management tools,Achieve management dynamic balance, feedback improvement and efficient execution,To ensure that education and technology talents both achieve high-quality development,And enhance the level of interconnected development;Efforts should be made to improve the level of lean,It emphasizes the precise planning, optimal allocation and tracking of all kinds of resources such as human resources and property,We will comprehensively raise the overall utilization rate of all resources, total factor productivity, and all-round quality improvement,To ensure the virtuous circle of talents in education and science and technology under the boundary of limited resources;Efforts should be made to raise the level of wisdom,It emphasizes the scientific application of modern information technology and intelligent tools and means,Promote the transformation and reform of traditional school running form,We will improve the scientific nature of decision-making, the efficiency of management services and the quality of education and teaching,Ensure that all aspects of the work of the school are more people-oriented, caring for people and serving people。

Colleges and universities to "scientific organization of school management and teaching" overall promote the integration of education and technology talent reform,It is necessary to strengthen all elements of school running and management, and all participating subjects are in the same direction and highly coordinated,Organizational change, efficiency change, dynamic change to promote ecological change, quality change, development change,We will promote higher quality, more efficient, more equitable, more sustainable and safer development of universities and colleges,Contribute to accelerating the building of an education powerhouse。

(Author: Zhang Jun, Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology)